Counter strike 1.6 download

Image of our CS 1.6 installed client gameplay

It has been a long time since valve released last official Counter strike 1.6 client update. So it is not surprising that hackers found the way how to infect our CS 1.6 game when we are playing in multiplayer mode by sending they're server advertisements into game files via malicious scripts. These malware scripts(slowhack) are known as: game menu changer, autoconnect plugin, config and master server changers and key binders. For this reason playing has become more annoying than interesting way to relax or enjoy free time. So then we decided to create page and option which lets download Counter strike 1.6 game and use it without any opportunities to be infected with any slowhack type. Slowhack was not the only reason. One of the reasons was the save popularity of Counter strike 1.6, because in so many years for many players this part(original v44 version) started being source of boredom. So we decided to create not just protected original Counter strike 1.6 version, but make many clients which is based on our ideas, some ideas like: Counter strike 1.6 zombie mod or Counter strike 1.6 black edition and more... To download original and protected version press on the links bellow this article which are known as: cs 1.6 download or Counter strike 1.6 download.

Here you can download cs 1.6 non steam version, which is compatible with any of MS windows operation systems: XP/vista7/8/8.1/10 for free. To downlaod Counter strike 1.6 you just need to click on direct or mirror(torrent) links which ones is presented below this sentence. If you just do not know how to do that, please follow and read our articles below. These articles will explain you how to download or install CS 1.6 setup

Abount Counter Strike 1.6 game

Image of our CS 1.6 Download page

20 years ago Minh "Gooseman" Le and Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe created huge half-life modification, which been called "Counter Strike", this modification been very successful, that valve decided to merge with half-lfie modification developers and start improve it together. in 2003 after 3 years of improvements we received version from valve developers, which been called Counter Strike 1.6. Counter-Strike 1.6 born like a FPS(First person shooter) game with multi and single player gamemodes, like one of the most popular games and Number 1 FPS action game in the world of video games, because interest in the game was so great that valve sold more than 50 million's copies of all cs series games. CS popularity reason was that for many video game players this game has been granted a lot hapiness, friends and activities, some activities was creating game servers, play cs 1.6 with friends in tournaments, organize them. This game point is fight between terrorists and Counter-terrorists, to beat down enemies team. When all members of enemie's team is eliminated, survivor's team wins the round, after 16 succsesfull rounds, team wins the match . CS 1.6 has a lots of official game mode types how teams and players can face the eye into eye. One of those types is play DE_(bomb-based) maps. In de_ maps Counter-Terrorist's must defend 2 bomb plants(sites) from bomb carriers(i mean Terrorist's team), if somehow terrorist's manage to plant the bomb, CT's must utilize all T's and defuse the bomb in a certain period of time, if it's not possible, Terrorist's win the round. Ofcourse if terrorists did not planted the bomb, it is enough to kill entire player of enemy team and survivors team wins the round. Terrorist's in de_ maps must attack ct's and try to plant bomb or kill full enemy team. The difference between ct's and t's is that CT'S must defend plants and kill entire t's team, T's must attack plants and kill entire ct's team, to know more just download cs 1.6 ant try by yourselves to play cs in de_ maps than you will get full knowledge of this map type. Another type of maps is cs_(Hostage rescue). In CS_ type maps everything is different, CT must escape hostages from a terrorists team to safe zone(CT Spawn), T must defent Hostages from rescue. Without these two types there such more different style maps like: as_, fy_, aim_ he_ or even fun_ styles.

Timeless Charm of Counter-Strike 1.6:Popular Game Modes, Maps


Counter-Strike 1.6, the legendary first-person shooter (FPS), has left an indelible mark on the gaming community since its release in 1999. Despite the evolution of the gaming landscape, this classic title continues to captivate players worldwide. In this article, we explore the enduring appeal of CS 1.6 by delving into its most popular game modes, iconic maps, and the system requirements that have made it a timeless classic.

Popular Game Modes:

CS 1.6 offers a variety of game modes, each contributing to its lasting popularity. The two primary modes are "Bomb Defusal" and "Hostage Rescue." In Bomb Defusal, terrorists attempt to plant and detonate a bomb, while counter-terrorists aim to prevent the explosion. Hostage Rescue involves the CT side rescuing hostages held by the terrorists. These modes emphasize teamwork, strategy, and precision, creating a dynamic and intense gaming experience that has stood the test of time.

Iconic Maps:

The success of CS 1.6 is also attributed to its iconic maps that have become ingrained in gaming culture. Dust2, arguably the most famous map, is characterized by its symmetrical layout and strategic chokepoints, providing an ideal battleground for intense firefights. Inferno, with its tight corridors and multiple levels, challenges players' tactical skills. Other classics like Nuke, Mirage, and Train contribute to the game's diverse and engaging map pool, ensuring a rich and varied gameplay experience.

System Requirements:

Despite being a game from a bygone era, Counter-Strike 1.6 boasts modest system requirements, making it accessible to a wide audience. To run CS 1.6 smoothly, a computer with a Pentium III processor, 512 MB RAM, and a DirectX 8.1 compatible graphics card is sufficient. The lightweight nature of the game ensures that even older machines can handle the intense action without sacrificing performance.

The Low System Requirements Advantage:

The low system requirements of CS 1.6 have played a crucial role in its longevity. This accessibility allows a diverse player base to enjoy the game, transcending hardware limitations. Whether on a high-end gaming rig or a budget-friendly laptop, players can engage in thrilling battles, fostering a sense of inclusivity and community that has sustained CS 1.6 over the years.


Counter-Strike 1.6 remains an undisputed legend in the world of gaming, thanks to its popular game modes, iconic maps, and accessible system requirements. Its enduring appeal is a testament to the timeless qualities of strategic gameplay and community engagement. As we celebrate the legacy of CS 1.6, it is evident that this classic FPS continues to shape the gaming landscape, proving that true excellence withstands the test of time.

fy_pool_day map gameplay - fy_ typede_dust2 map gameplay - de_ typecs_assault map gameplay - cs_ type

How to Download Counter strike 1.6 and install

This is the article and tutorial for those, who dont know how to download cs 1.6 and install!

Notes: If you have a bad internet connection or slow speed we recommend you to choose a "cs 1.6 torrent download" way. Using via torrent technology your game will reach you much faster as using direct method via your internet browser.

Everything what you need to install or download counter strike 1.6 is read carefully this tutorial below and do everything how it is described. And it's gonna be very simple and fast expirience in your life.

  • 1. You need to choose the way how you want to download cs 1.6. In our website you can do it in 2 different ways, by download it via direct method(Straight from our server without any programs) or using torrent. To choose in which way you want to do it, go in the top of website and on the right corner you will see two image links "CS 1.6 download" or "CS 1.6 Torrent" and press.
  • 2. When you already chosen download type and cs 1.6 download is finished. Press on cs-16.exe setup file and open it
  • 3. Few times press "next" button.
  • 4. Choose game install directory.
  • 5. Again press "next" button
  • 6. After when cs installing is finished, press finish or close the program
  • 7. CS 1.6 is download and installed, now you can enjoy tha game. Good luck!

About Counter Strike 1.6 for windows 10 - More information, features and why to choose this client.

Perfectly working cs 1.6 client on windows 10Counter Strike for windows 10

some screenshots of Counter Strike windows 10 client

CS 1.6 windows 10 - It's the standart game version, which contains full installation package prepared for all windows versions as well this CS 1.6 game patch is fully customized for newest windows version costumers. By download this CS 1.6 FREE windows 10 game client you will get prepared game with opportunity to use it with windows 10 operation system, default player config, clean masterserver, which has lots of most popular cs 1.6 servers. You can Download cs 1.6 for windows 10 just by clicking links below or in the top of the main site, aswell we have an opportunity lo let download this game using torrent from any world countery like: lithuania, latvia, estonia, romania, brazilia, serbia or rest part of the world.

Features of CS windows 10 version

  • Perfectly working with windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1 and windows 10
  • Does not have any issues, slowhack, autoconnects, crashes or lags
  • Game is 100% protected from slowhack
  • Could be downlaod using direct or torrent download type
  • Default config, original cvars for the best gameplay.
  • Default gamemenus without any advertisements
  • Unique masterserver with lots of servers

full cs 1.6 for free downloadCounter Strike full free

Download Counter Strike 1.6 FREE - CS FREE - IS the most popular game client, which is fully(100%) cracked of full cs 1.6 client. We can offer to Download full cs 1.6 free by using torrent or direct downlaod aplications. This client have everything what steam players have in they're clients, except the original masterserver, this CS 1.6 game patch has different masterserver, which is 4 times better than original. This Counter Strike 1.6 full free client is the most popular between Non Steam players, because does not have any struggles playing online.

Features of Downlaod cs 1.6 free from us!

  • Fixed multiplayer issues
  • Has the largest masterserver in world
  • Highest server reachable percantage by using CS 1.6 FREE client.
  • Available in all world
  • Original rates.
  • Best Anti-Cheat technology
  • Gamemenu, config, sprites rewritable protectivity

Most popular client versions by clicks on Counter Strike 1.6 download link.

Counter strike 1.6 for windows 10

After when the newest windows version have been released, lots of CS 1.6 Players have been faced with a problem to play Counter Strike 1.6 on Windows 10. This counter strike 1.6 windows 10 version is perfectly working on the newest windows without any issues.


Download Counter Strike 1.6 FREE

IF you're looking from where you can download CS 1.6 free, this article exactly for you. In this article we are offering free counter strike 1.6 download link. What is FREE cs 1.6 - It's a original game copy, but remaked to non-steam. IF you're interested and want to download it, just press button link belew "More" or "CS 1.6 FREE Download"


Download XTCS Counter-Strike 1.6 Final Release

After 7 years of CS 1.6 appearance in Video games market. Fans have been released XTCS Counter-Strike 1.6 Final Release How this XTCS 1.6 client is different from original CS 1.6 version? XTCS 1.6 have better graphics, more intelligent bots, more realistic skins, maps, sounds and sprites.

CS 1.6 XTCS final release

Download Counter strike 1.6 Global offensive edition

This cs 1.6 edition will bring you to CS:GO theme atmosphere. How we now, after when CS:GO officially was released, lots Counter Strike 1.6 players have been moved to Counter Strie: global offensive. But not everyonos PC's was available tu support CS:GO, not everybody liked this new counter strike release, so fans decided to create cs 1.6 glogal offensive edition download This CS 1.6 modification was very sucsesfully, many players started playing this version, and they're happy even playing with low computers. This new version have lots of new game modes, skins, sounds, maps and much more. IF you want to Download counter strike 1.6 global offensive, just press on download(more) button below.

Download CS 1.6 global offensive

Counter Strike 1.6 for windows 8, 8.1

Till now not everybody moved to windows 10, some users still using, windows 7, 8, 8.1, how we now cs 1.6 was created for windos XP. Now some cs 1.6 windows 8 players are facing with the problem to play Original cs 1.6 on windows 8.1. So we decided to create working, clean counter strike 1.6 client for windows 8 and windows 8.1 and create download counter strie 1.6 for windows 8.1. IF you're one of them who can't play CS on windows 8, this article is for you.

CS 1.6 Windows 8, 8.1 Download

Download CS 1.6 Classic

CS 1.6 classic - is a copy of Counter Strike 1.6 classic steamed version. It's exactly the same game, which you could find in steamstore. Difference is that this game does not have achievements system. To download Counter Strike 1.6 classic press links below.

Download CS 1.6 classic

Download Counter Strike 1.6 TPB

This cs 1.6 tpb download is version from the bigest world tracker site The Pirate Bay. So here you can download Counter Strike 1.6 the pirate bay torrent version just by clicking on links below or in top of the site. This that cs 1.6 version is different? No it's the same original CS version, just you can download it much more faster by using Bittorrent or Utorrent from TPB.

Download CS 1.6 TPB torrent

Bittorrent CS 1.6 Version

Download Counter Strike 1.6 Bittorrent version using Bittorrent program. This game patch(clients) is the same like original Fps shooter versio. But not everybody can use direct download, they can use just torrent's to download CS 1.6 BITTORRENT, because they have very slow internet download speed, to help for them, we created this CS bittorrent version. IF you want to downlaod CS 1.6 bittorrent by using bittorrent, just press links below this article

Counter Strike 1.6 bittorrent download

Utorrent Counter Strike 1.6 client

Utorrent Counter Strike 1.6 download client - is a copy of original Counter Strike 1.6 steamed version. But how i said before, not everybody can use direct downloads to download this game fast, so to help for them, we have been created cs 1.6 utorrent client, to make them available to download and play CS 1.6 using torrent program.

CS 1.6 utorrent download

Cs 1.6 non steam

Counter Strike 1.6 non steam was created for those people who don't have steam accounts or internet. This game client is cracked steam version, which does not cost money - for free. You can download CS 1.6 nosteam for free and it's gonna be exactly the same copy as steam selling. This CS 1.6 nonsteam client have all updates, features, maps, sounds and models. Want to download NONSTEAM Press link in the top of the site, thanks.

Download Counter Strike 1.6 non steam

Counter-Strike 1.6 Xtreme V6

CS 1.6 XTREME V6 version is very stronghly modifacted with new sprites, models and sounds game client. This client requirements is much more bigger than original CS version. IF you're bored to playing Original version, this game patch is exactly for you, because playing this version you will face with new game types, guns and monsters.

Download Counter-Strike 1.6 Xtreme V6

How to Download install game in other languages

Այս հոդվածն ու ձեռնարկը նրանց համար, ովքեր չգիտեն, թե ինչպես բեռնել cs 1.6 (counter strike 1.6) եւ տեղադրել:

Ներբեռնեք cs 1.6-ը (հակառակ գործադուլ 1.6), պարզապես անհրաժեշտ է մի քանի պարզ եւ արագ քայլեր անել, այն ամենը, ինչ ձեզ հարկավոր է, պարզապես ուշադիր կարդացեք: Առաջին հերթին, ինչ պետք է անեք բեռնել հղումը, պարզապես սեղմեք բեռնել հղումներից մեկը, քան սպասել, մինչեւ ներբեռնումը ավարտված է: Ներբեռնումը ավարտված է, սեղմեք այն ֆայլի վրա, որը դուք պարզապես ներբեռնել եք ձեր համակարգչին (cs16setup.exe): Երբ տեղադրումը բացվում է մի քանի անգամ, սեղմեք հաջորդը եւ ընտրեք տեղադրիչի դիրքը կամ թողնեք լռելյայն (սա որեւէ իմաստ չի տեղադրում): Thats այն տեղադրումը ավարտված է, այժմ դուք կարող եք վայելել:

Ovo je članak i vodič za one koji ne znaju kako da preuzmu cs 1.6 (counter strike 1.6) i instaliraju!

Da biste preuzeli cs 1.6 (counter strike 1.6) samo trebate napraviti nekoliko jednostavnih i brzih koraka, sve što trebate samo pažljivo pročitati. Pre svega, potrebno je da izaberete link za preuzimanje, samo kliknete na jednu od linkova za preuzimanje, nego da sačekate da se preuzimanje završi. Kada se preuzimanje završi, pritisnite na datoteku koju ste upravo preuzeli na računar (cs16setup.exe). Kada je instalacija otvorena nekoliko puta, pritisnite next i odaberite install directory ili ostavite default (ovo nema nikakvog smisla za instalaciju). To je instalacija završena, sada možete uživati!

ეს არის სტატია და გაკვეთილი იმ ადამიანებისთვის, რომლებსაც არ იციან, თუ როგორ უნდა ჩამოტვირთოთ cs 1.6 (Counter strike 1.6) და დააყენოთ!

ჩამოტვირთეთ cs 1.6 (Counter strike 1.6) თქვენ უბრალოდ უნდა გავაკეთოთ რამდენიმე მარტივი და სწრაფი ნაბიჯი, ყველაფერი რაც საჭიროა მხოლოდ ყურადღებით წაიკითხეთ. უპირველეს ყოვლისა, რაც უნდა გააკეთოთ, უნდა აირჩიოთ ჩამოტვირთვა ბმული, დაწკაპეთ ერთი ჩამოტვირთვა ბმულები, ვიდრე დაველოდოთ ჩამოტვირთვის დასრულებამდე. ჩამოტვირთვის დასრულების შემდეგ დააჭირე იმ ფაილზე, რომელიც თქვენს კომპიუტერში გადმოიტანეთ (cs16setup.exe). როდესაც ინსტალაცია გაიხსნა რამდენიმეჯერ დააჭირეთ შემდეგს და აირჩიეთ ინსტალაციის დირექტორია ან დატოვეთ ნაგულისხმევი (ეს არ არის რაიმე აზრი ინსტალაციისთვის). ეს ინსტალაცია დასრულდა, ახლა თქვენ შეგიძლიათ ისიამოვნოთ!

Este es el artículo y el tutorial para aquellos que no saben cómo descargar cs 1.6 (counter strike 1.6) e instalarlo.

Para descargar cs 1.6 (counter strike 1.6) solo necesita hacer unos pasos simples y rápidos, todo lo que necesita, simplemente lea con cuidado. En primer lugar, lo que debe hacer es elegir el enlace de descarga, simplemente haga clic en uno de los enlaces de descarga, y espere hasta que finalice la descarga. Cuando finalice la descarga, presione el archivo que acaba de descargar a su computadora (cs16setup.exe). Cuando la instalación se abra varias veces, presione Siguiente y elija Instalar directorio o deje el valor predeterminado (esto no tiene ningún sentido para la instalación). Eso es todo, la instalación está terminada, ahora puedes disfrutarla!

Este é o artigo e tutorial para quem não sabe baixar o cs 1.6 (counter strike 1.6) e instalar!

Para baixar o cs 1.6 (counter strike 1.6) você só precisa fazer alguns passos simples e rápidos, tudo o que você precisa ler com atenção. Primeiro de tudo o que você precisa fazer é escolher o link de download, basta clicar em um dos links de download, do que esperar até o download terminar. Quando o download estiver concluído, pressione o arquivo que você acabou de baixar para o seu computador (cs16setup.exe). Quando a instalação é aberta algumas vezes, pressione next e escolha install directory ou deixe o padrão (isso não faz sentido para a instalação). Isso é a instalação está terminada, agora você pode desfrutar!

About cs 1.6 Modifications

Cs 1.6 is 18 years old now, and it is not surprisingly that this game started being annoying. To not lose players, fans and developers decided to create more interesting game mods and they have been maded lots of cs 1.6 mods.

If you're boring playing Original cs 1.6 this article is for you, because below this text we will put some modifications that you will be available to get rid of boredom while playing Counter-Strike 1.6

CSDM- Counter-Strike 1.6 deathmatch. - is a type of gameplay mode where the objective must frag as many players in the game as possible.When enemy are killed, he respawns at the same time without waiting another round.

Zombie Plague - is a modification, developed via AMX Mod X technology as AMX Mod X Plugin, which absolutely changes the gameplay in CS servers. In this mod humans are fighting zombies for survival. This mod has lots of game types: Nemesis, Survivor, swarm and much more. Has more than 30 different zombie and human classes, extra items shop and system, diffrent style grenades.

Deathrun- Is a mod in which a single player fights alone against the other team, his only weapons are his deadly traps.

Gungame - Modification where you start playing with the lowest class pistols and after each 3 kills you are leveling up and getting better guns until you reach AWP, after awp you must to kill somebody with knife, after kill you win the game. There is two types of gungame: team gungame and single gungame.

Paintball - Its a paint ball style game mod. where players are shoting not with the bullets but with the paint's, each hit means kill.

Soccer [Football] - Same as in reality, just very funny, with glowing persons or ball on fire.

Surf - Mod which has different maps, in these maps you must to surf with board, if you fall of surfing areas you will appear in jail, where you must to fight for your survival or think how to pull up from jail.

Jailbreak - Your point is to pull up from the jail and kill all ct's to win the round, ofcourse if you playing for ct's your point is to control all T's and save your life.

More CS 1.6 MODS:

SuperHero, Kreedz, Knife Mod, Warcarft 3, BunnyHop Mod, BaseBuilder, Zombies escape, cs:go mod, cod4, battlefield, World at war, Diablo mod, predator, sentry gun, lasermines, public, hsdm

PC requirements for Counter Strike 1.6

The minimum system requirements to play:

CPU speed at least: 500Mhz

Minimum 128 MB of RAM.

At least 16MB of GPU(Video card)

1GB(1024mb) of free disk space.

OS(Operation system): Windows: xp, vista, 7, 8, 8,1, 10

Gear: Keyboard, Mouse

Internet accsess if you want to play Counter strike 1.6 multiplayer in Servers

The recommended system requirements to play:

CPU speed: 900Mhz or faster.

512 MB of RAM or More.

At least 128MB of GPU(Video card)

2GB(2048mb) of free disk space.

OS(Operation system): Windows: xp, vista, 7, 8, 8,1, 10

Gear: Keyboard, Mouse

Internet accsess if you want to play multiplayer in cs 1.6 for windows 10 servers

Definitions and keywords that helps to find thes best version of Counter strike 1.6 client in our cs 1.6 download website:

download counter strike version 1.6 free - It's the keyword which mostly is usable to find game version that did not cost any money and you can download it for free.

download cs 1.6 for free on pc - This definition are usable to find free version of counter strike 1.6 game which works on personal computer(PC).

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cs 1.6 loader download It's exactly the same as cs 1.6 download setup, just this client has own game launcher(Loader) which opens the way to play CS for every OS users.

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Top 10 Counter Strike 1.6 AMXX Plugins:

CS Battle Royale, Only Admin Spectator, GATHER SYSTEM PUG Mod, Aliens vs. Predator. Xstats, Bullet Speed Management, Impulse Grenade, Colored Smokenades, Knife Models [XP System Support], Country On Name

Unraveling the Layers of Counter-Strike 1.6: Cheats, Wallhacks, Pro Players, and the Heartbeat of Servers


Counter-Strike 1.6, a game that has stood the test of time, has not been immune to the challenges posed by cheats and hacks. In this exploration of the classic FPS, we delve into the murky world of cheats, discuss the impact of wallhacks, celebrate the prowess of pro players who have left an indelible mark, and dissect the heartbeat of the gamethe servers that have been the arena for countless battles.

Cheats and Their Impact:

As with many online games, Counter-Strike 1.6 has not been impervious to the infiltration of cheats and hacks. Cheating in CS 1.6 comes in various forms, ranging from aimbots and wallhacks to more sophisticated exploits. Aimbots grant players unnaturally precise aiming abilities, giving them an unfair advantage. Wallhacks, on the other hand, enable players to see through walls, providing critical information about the enemy's position. While cheats may provide a short-term thrill, they compromise the integrity of the game and tarnish the spirit of fair competition.

The Battle Against Cheating:

Counter-Strike 1.6's community has been proactive in combating cheating. Dedicated servers often employ anti-cheat measures, and vigilant server administrators actively monitor player behavior. VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) has been a crucial tool in the fight against cheats, employing detection algorithms to identify and penalize players using unauthorized software. The ongoing battle against cheating reflects the commitment of the community to preserve the integrity of the game and ensure a level playing field for all.

Wallhacks and Their Controversy:

Among the various cheats, wallhacks have been a particularly contentious issue in Counter-Strike 1.6. These hacks allow players to see opponents through walls, essentially eroding the element of surprise and strategy. While some argue that wallhacks disrupt the game's balance, others view them as a form of skill enhancement. The controversy surrounding wallhacks has sparked debates within the community about the ethics of using such tools and their impact on the overall gaming experience.

Pro Players: Icons of Skill and Strategy:

Counter-Strike 1.6 has been graced by a multitude of legendary pro players who have elevated the game to new heights. Names like GeT_RiGhT, f0rest, NEO, and markeloff resonate with fans as symbols of skill, strategy, and dedication. These players have showcased exceptional aim, tactical brilliance, and a deep understanding of the game's mechanics, inspiring aspiring players and contributing to the game's enduring legacy. The competitive scene of CS 1.6 has witnessed epic clashes and unforgettable moments, with pro players at the forefront of these spectacles.

The Heartbeat of Servers:

At the core of Counter-Strike 1.6's multiplayer experience are the servers that host intense battles and foster community interaction. Dedicated servers serve as the virtual arenas where players from around the world converge to test their skills. Server communities have formed, each with its unique rules, gameplay modifications, and culture. From classic servers faithfully recreating the original CS 1.6 experience to custom servers introducing innovative game modes, the diversity of servers is a testament to the game's adaptability and the creativity of its community.


As we navigate the multifaceted world of Counter-Strike 1.6, it becomes evident that cheats and hacks pose challenges to the game's integrity, while pro players and dedicated servers breathe life into its soul. The ongoing battle against cheats underscores the commitment of the community to uphold fair play, ensuring that the essence of CS 1.6 remains untarnished. In the realm of pro players, their skill and legacy contribute to the game's timeless allure, while the servers serve as the beating heart of a community that continues to celebrate and preserve the spirit of this iconic first-person shooter.

Download Links:
Press to download CS 1.6 game client.

Download cs-1.6-setup.exe button


Download cs-1.6-setup.exe via torrent

Size: 211MB

*** ***

After installation right click on a game shortcut and Run as Administrator! (if not working)

Attention! Warning for Counter Strike 1.6 Download

By download this or any other modicated version from this page( you're claiming that you own original steamed Counter-Strike 1.6 version in your steam account, because download a game copy from this website is just for your education usability. If not, please leave this website and do not download this game copy by pressing on direct or mirror links: Counter strike 1.6 download on the top of this page.

Features for all versions
  • Ability to play with bots.
  • 100% protected from slowhack.
  • Working server browser(MasterServer).
  • 15000+ Servers in Serverbrowser
  • Original configs and cvars
  • Lots of Maps
  • +100FPS
  • Our Client is compatible with Microsoft Windows: 7/8/8.1/10/XP/vista operation systems
Our CS 1.6 client's protection
All our CS 1.6 clients is 100% protected from any malicious scripts and files, including game menus and other server lists. All our Patches of CS 1.6 is fully working with any Windows Operation system without any danger to be damaged by gettint any malicious programs into CS 1.6 client.
How to use BOTS in our CS 1.6 Clients (GSClient cs 1.6)(Console commands)

CS 1.6 Bot is short for robot. Bots are used to simulate the network players during their absence.

bot_add — add bot to team with low player amount

bot_add_t — add bot to terrorist team

bot_add_ct — add bot to counter-terrorist team

bot_kick — kick bot (kick bot with name “bot_kick name“, «name» is bot nickname)

bot_kill — kill all bots (kill bot with name “bot_kill name”, «name» is bot nickname)

bot_knives_only — bots using only knife

bot_pistols_only — bots using only pistols

bot_snipers_only — bots using only sniper rifles

bot_all_weapons — bots using all weapons

bot_difficulty (0-3) — bot difficulty (0 – very weak; 1 – weak; 2 – low bots; 3 – high skilled bots).

• This command should be used before you have added bots

bot_prefix name — bots name prefix f.E [BOT] name

bot_join_team ct/t/any — set up to which team bots will be added.

bot_join_after_player 0/1 — bots join only if some players are online (0 — bots join certainly)

bot_allow_rogues 0/1 — if you set to «1» — bots are running and shooting all what they see.

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